Vuokot mittens

Sale price307,00 kr Regular price384,00 kr
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Double knit merino mittens

Reflective print

Vuokkos are Moiko’s own design. They thrive in supportive, tolerant soil and bloom brightly when the fertiliser includes joy, playfulness and other necessary nutrients. Our anemones are perennial, so they’ll bring you joy all year round!

These reflective mittens are made of high-quality mulesing-free merino wool in Tampere, Finland. Merino wool feels luxuriously soft on the skin and the double knit keeps your hands warm. A beautiful reflective pattern has been printed on the mittens. The prints are added by us in our own studio in Lauttasaari, Helsinki.

Don't forget to wear CE-certified reflectors! Moiko CE-reflectors can be found here.